Water Treatment Plants (WTP)

Water Treatment Plants (WTP)

Waste Water Treatment Plant used for chemical industry, textile mills, slaughterhouses, dairies, paper mills, oil refineries, pickling plants, glass factories, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, food and engineering industries, Automobile industries, Hospital wastewater etc. based on advanced technologies. Our main focus is to understand the customer requirements. We also offer prefabricated/packaged ETP plants depending on the wastewater quantity and quality.

  • Performance Assessment of Effluent Treatment Plant- Industry specific
  • Carrying out Treatability studies & feasibility studies
  • Set of analysis
  • Process/System design/evaluation of treatment facility
  • Advise on up gradation/modifications of the facility to achieve desired results as well as reduction in Operating Costs
  • Consultation on Operation & Maintenance of STPs/ETPs/CETPs
  • Evaluation & Selection of Process, System for successful up gradation of Existing ETP
  • Turnkey Projects