The drag out of hazardous chrome solutions into the drain water is a long standing problem in plating industry and getting rid of its ever increasing contents in the effluents treatment is always been a tedious and time consuming task

In the view of all such problems faced by the Plating Industry Eco Refine Enviro Solutions has been developed the “Chrome Collector Unit” which is of considerable use in not only reducing the drag out going waste into the drain but also in recovering the valuable chrome ion back into pure and re-usable form and also reducing the treatment load to ETP’s.


  • Recuperating back the chrome from the drag outs in a concentrated solution form.
  • Quality assured recovered product of chrome and can be directly put back into the process of chrome plating.
  • Decreasing the concentration of hexavalent chrome in the drag out.
  • Decreasing the cost of Chrome bath replenishment and at the same time the cost of ETP chemicals.
  • The Unit is compact; thus causing no hindrance to the operator.
  • The DC Rectifier which is used for the Chrome Plating can be used in parallel for the Chrome Collector Unit also. Parallel usage of chrome collector while the plant is in operation.
  • Easy to install and operate; No cost maintenance.